How do I remove the profile fields of deactivated user accounts on Workplace?
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If you're an admin on Workplace, you can remove profile fields of deactivated users.
This means that personal information such as name and profile image will be removed. See below for a full list of fields that will be removed. All posts and comments made by this person will still be available on your Workplace.
Remove profile fields
- On Workplace, click
Admin Panel in the left menu.
- Click People.
- Go to the name of the person whose information you would like to remove and click
- Click Remove profile information.
- Review the information and click to check the box at the bottom.
- Click Confirm.
Removing personal information is permanent and can't be undone. If you want to delete a person's profile information as well as all content created by them, you will need to delete their full account instead.
Profile fields can be removed 4 days after account deactivation and any mentions will not be linked back to the deactivated user profile.
A profile where Remove profile information has been used cannot be restored, even if the same individual returns to the organization.
Which fields are affected?
The following is the full list of affected fields:
- External ID
- Username
- Formatted name
- Family name
- Given name
- Middle name
- Honorific prefix
- Honorific suffix
- Display name
- Nicknames
- Profile URL
- Preferred language
- Locale
- Profile languages
- Timezone
- Employee number
- Entitlements
- Hire date
- Termination date
- Roles
- Emails
- IMs
- Phone numbers
- Addresses
- Manager email
- Manager external ID
- Manager
- Skills
- Bio
- Frontline settings
- Total report count
- Custom pronoun text
- Division
- Department
- Job title
- Org
- Cost Center
- IDP import settings
- Creation invite
- Unlaunched login attempt
- X509 certificates
- Cover photo
- Profile picture
- Follows
- Birthday
- Name pronunciation